Publication Year 1992

Falk, K., O. Rötzschke, and H. G. Rammensee. 1992. A self peptide naturally presented by both H-2Kk(b) and H-2K(bm1) molecules demonstrates MHC restriction of self tolerance at the molecular level. Int. Immunol.

Falk, K., O. Rötzschke, and H. G. Rammensee. 1992. Specificity of antigen processing for MHC class-I restricted presentation is conserved between mouse and man. Eur. J. Immunol.

Rötzschke, O., K. Falk, S. Stevanovic, G. Jung, and H.-G. Rammensee. 1992. Peptide motifs of closely related HLA class I molecules encompass substantial differences. Eur. J. Immunol.

Sekimata, M., P. Griem, K. Egawa, H. G. Rammensee, and M. Takiguchi. 1992. Isolation of human minor histocompatibility peptides. Int. Immunol.

Wallny, H.-J., O. Rötzschke, K. Falk, G. Hämmerling, and H.-G. Rammensee. 1992. Gene transfer experiments imply instructive role of MHC class I molecules in cellular peptide processing. Eur. J. Immunol.

Wallny, H. J., K. Deres, S. Faath, G. Jung, A. Vanpel, T. Boon, and H. G. Rammensee. 1992. Identification and quantification of a naturally presented peptide as recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes specific for an immunogenic tumor variant. Int. Immunol.

Zimmermann, N., O. Rötzschke, K. Falk, D. Rognan, G. Folkers, H. G. Rammensee, and G. Jung. 1992. Molecular modeling of the class-I human histocompatibility molecule HLA-A2 presenting an allele-specific nonapeptide from influenza matrix protein. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition in English 31:886-890.

[1991] [1992] [1993] [1994] [1995] [1996] [1997]

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